Tips For Your Little Interior Painting Artist

At R L Peek Painting, we love to paint. In fact, we’ve spent so much time painting in our lives that it’s become an integral part of how we identify ourselves. This is true in most careers, and you can see what we mean when asked..”What do you do?” and the reply is always, “I’m a painter.”
Painters love paint. Painters are artistic. Painters love to be creative and express that creativity. It’s all true. Many of us begin painting at a very young age. Some go on to paint in various fields or express their creativity in other ways. But true painters always stick to what they love…painting!
There’s just something about paint that keeps us loving it. The smell of paint, the creaminess as we stir and work with it. The colors and how they blend together to make more colors. The mood it creates when applied and dried. The happy faces of the homeowners when we do a job for them. All these and more make us want to keep doing it.
When you’re a true painter, it’s in your blood. And little do you know it, but you may have a little painter amongst your family members you didn’t know about yet. Maybe they’re too little to show off their inherent talents, or maybe they just haven’t had the opportunity to figure out how much they’re going to love it, but many children are born with artistic ability that you can nourish.
It never ceases to amaze how many children get so excited about painting the interior of their home. They don’t want to just stand back and watch either, they want to hold the brush or rollers and get at it themselves. This is all great, but what about the mess that’s sure to happen? Fortunately, there is a way to satisfy their need to participate and create another way in a more appropriate area!
If you’re planning on having your home repainted, you can set up an activity for your child that gives them a controlled environment to keep the house safe from all those splatters and spills. Set up the activity either during or following the painting project, but if during be sure it’s in a location that won’t interfere with the work such as the garage or patio or even outdoors on a nice day.
One great activity they can do with paint AND keep the project shown off for however long you all like, is to have them paint a plain roller shade for windows. You’ve seen those pull down shades that are generic white made out of varying materials but mostly vinyl, correct?
These can be painted with acrylic paints and make wonderful canvases for kids rooms. The children paint one side of the entire shade and you use the vinyl as an attachment to the bottom half of their bedroom wall.
If you do the project outside on the grass or ground, you won’t need to worry about paint drips or spills, but if on the patio or garage floor, you’ll want to get a good drop cloth. You’ll put take the vinyl window shade and just role it out, remove it from the role completely, role it tightly the opposite way first to remove curving problems, then unroll again, lay it flat -draping it over a table or bench, and let them paint it.
When dried, place it horizontally along the bottom half of their wall. You can use thumbtacks or even a small stapler to attach it. You can even add a wallpaper border to the top edge or a chair rail moulding.
And if you don’t want to line the whole length of the wall, you can always cut out the really cool designs and frame or hang those another way.
And viola! Your little painter is born and has expressed their creativity! Plus, you’ll be able to save this artwork for years to come. It truly makes a great idea for your young one to be creative during a time when they see others doing the same, which is prime time to get them to try a new activity. You can even allow washable markers to be used after you hang up their vinyl shade artwork so they can continue to have fun.
This creative idea helps your kids to get through your house painting project while giving them something fun to do.