Interior Painting Ideas for Park City Homes

Need a painting idea for your Park City home? Whether you are looking to freshen up a room or trying to increase your home’s resale value, a fresh coat of paint can work wonders. Once you have an idea of what you are looking for in a new look, talk to your Park City painting contractor to work out the details to put you on your way to a dream room.
Here are four simple ideas to get you started:
1. Take it to the beach— A great design for bathrooms, kid’s rooms or really any room is to get beachy with it. From soothing cool tones to warm tropical colors, the possibilities are endless with any seashore theme. Using this theme, you can turn a boring bathroom into a spa-like atmosphere or use colors like navy and light blue to turn a boy’s bedroom into a nautical haven.
2. Getting your stripes— A roll of good painter’s tape (one that won’t bleed paint out of the sides) will let you do all sorts of fun geometric designs with paint. From zig-zags, to chevrons, to simple hortizontal and vertical stripes, painter’s tape is really only limited by your imagination. It will leave sharp lines that look professional, even if you do it yourself.
3. Look up— Here’s a unique idea in interior painting: don’t forget about the ceiling. By keeping the walls simple and getting creative with the ceiling (think night skies, stars and space), you can give a fun atmosphere to any bedroom or game room. How lovely would it be to sleep under the stars every night, regardless of weather?